Call for Paper
- The 7th International Conference on Computer Engineering and Networks (CENet2017)will be held on July 22-23 in Shanghai, China. CENet2017 aims to provide a high-level international forum for researchers and engineers in Computer Networks and Data Communication, Network Technologies, Services and Applications, Wireless Communications & Networking and so on.
- 1. Format and Template: All submissions must be in English and papers must not exceed 8 pages in length In the preparation of the manuscript, Authors can refer to the following Template to prepare their papers. ——CENet2017 Template Note: In order to avoid some possible ethics (for example, plagiarism issue), the following contents deserve everyone's attention.
- 2. Policy: The submitted papers must not be previously published anywhere, and must not be submitted to any other conferences before and during the CENet2017 review process. Submitting a paper to the conference means that if the paper were accepted, at least one author will register and attend the conference to present the paper.
Paper Template: click here
How to submission
1. Before you submit your paper, make sure your have account in this conference or aconf.org, Otherwise, you need sign up first. Click here to sign up.
2. After you log in, please click my Info . Then click the link New Submission to submit you paper.
Any problem, please contact
Ms Scarlett
E-mail: Scarlett@aconf.org
Tel: +86-027-8887 5258
Topics include but are not limited to:
Artificial Intelligence
Machine Learning
Cognitive Systems
Neural Networks
Knowledge-Based and Expert Systems
Software Architecture
Software Architectures for Real-time and Embedded Systems
Software Architectures for Cloud-based applications and Services
Functional validation and verification techniques for Software Components and Architectures
Applications and Media
Computer Vision
Geometric Computing
Scientific Visualization
Programming Languages
New Programming Language Ideas and Concepts
Program Analysis and Verification
Software Engineering
Model Driven Engineering
Parallel/Distributed Systems
Program Comprehension and Visualization
Data Bases
Internet and Web-Based Database Systems
Object-Oriented and Object-Relational Database Systems
Similarity / Approximate Query Processing
Scientific, Biological and Bioinformatics Data Management and Data Mining
Cloud Computing
Architectural models for cloud computing
OS development for applications on clouds
Embedded Systems
System-level design and simulation techniques for Embedded Systems
OS & Real-Time support for Embedded Systems
Verification, validation, testing, debugging, and performance analysis of Embedded Systems
Time-predictable computer architecture
Safety-critical Embedded Systems
Mobile and Wireless Networks
Network Modeling and Simulation
Mobile Computing
adaptive computing
mobile device programming and applications
mobile middleware services based on events, and object models
visualization on handheld devices
wireless sensor networks
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Important Dates
Full paper submission deadline: May 15, 2017
Registration deadline: June 10, 2017
Conference date: July 22-23, 2017
About Proceeding
- Dr. Liu
- Email: tocenet@163.com
- Tel: 025-85980945